How to teach number formation with our posters
Take a poster and place it in view of your students - perhaps on your teaching easel or board.
Read the poem to your students and point to the number, showing students the path of motion. Repeat several times.
Ask students to put their finger in the air and air trace with you. Ask them to write the number on the mat/carpet too! Encourage them to say the poem with you too.
Use the posters and poems to help students learn to write numbers independently. Provide experience for students to:
Use the posters and poems to help students learn to write numbers independently. Provide experience for students to:
Make the numbers with play dough
Laminate the posters to use as play dough mats. Students could cover the number with small objects too - to get a feeling of the shape and trajectory of the line.
Trace with their finger
Encourage students to trace the path of motion with their finger too. Start a the dot, follow the arrow.
Copy the number
Use a mini whiteboard and pen to copy the number - fill your board and practice, practice, practice!
Follow up Worksheets
We also have a set of worksheets available for you to follow-up learning. Ask students to track, trace and write their numbers.
Good luck with teaching how to write numbers!