Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

20 September 2013

Five for Friday

It is Friday and I think I might be able to count to five. Just. And that will be all my friends, as I have had a crazy busy week and I am tired!

fri yay made it

School is now out for 2 weeks - so sleep-ins here I come! Most mothers out there will appreciate that, by 'sleep-in' I mean at least 7.30am. Hopefully.

1. Big Print

I was super excited to get some of my game boards printed on A3 (double our standard paper) this week. It is something I have wanted to try for a while. For my Aussie friends - $1.50 at Officeworks. Love!!

2. First Painting

My sweetheart Sam (18 months old) did his first painting at Playgroup. He LOVES it! Paint dots were everywhere - floor, table, door, cubby.... So very proud of him and so in-love with him, my heart near bursts every. single. day.

3. The Little Table

After 18 weeks. Yes 18 (I am sure they had to go cut the wood) - the lap table for my let's-drink-tea-and-maybe-do-some-work-or-just-chat area arrived! This is a little space in my house between my dining room, lounge room and kitchen. And where I do most of my work. I have my computer set up and I can be 'mum' and work through the day and evening. I 'chevroned' it up a while ago with some comfy chairs. I like to take a break from the screen and draw - drink tea - cuddle cute babies and daydream. Anyhow - the table has arrived and it now feels complete!

4. Scrappy Sketch

And it must be working as I sketched this up today to complete a 'Scrappy Scarecrow' set for my graphics store. 

5. Blogging

For #5 I have provided you a visual of my love-hate relationship with Blogging! This afternoon I thought I would whip up a new header for my graphics blog. I had 30 minutes. I was 'in the zone' with post-table-arriving-excitement still in my system. But my dear friends, Blogger is experiencing some technical 'issues' and a talented blog friend Christi assures me that all will be fixed soon. So for now, I am stuck with a boring background and headings above every image gadget on my sidebar. 

I DO NOT LIKE IT when things don't work smoothly! Nor do I understand why blogger picks up 'blog' as a spelling error. So what would I know?!

Thank you so much for stopping by - please head over to Doodle Bugs Teaching for more FRIDAY 5 FUN!
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