Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

05 May 2013

Kindergarten Writing Books

I like to teach Kindergarten 'early' reading and writing with flashcards/word cards and my 'sentence maker stick'. I bloged about it HERE
I find this style of lesson perfect for all kinders at the beginning of the year, but in fact find myself using it right through the year with targeted small groups of learners that continue to have difficulty with the writing process.
So I start with a jumbled sentence of words. I like to joke around and say "look at the sentence I have written'. "I have words. I have spaces. I have a capital letter. I have a full stop (period)."
The students 'read' it with me and we all laugh at the fact it makes no sense.
We work together to put the sentence in correct order. I make sure I encourage spaces between the words. These cards are fabulous because they are 'hands on'. Students that are having difficulty with reading and writing will learn so much from being able to 'build' and 'work with' the sentence with their hands. They will understand the idea of a word being ONE separate part of the sentence. As much as Interactive Whiteboards are great visual learning tools in the classroom, I try to start each of my lesson sequences with something 'hands on' like this.
The work for this lesson is part of this file of mine onTpT.
The file contains pages to make a booklet for each of your students. I have always linked my writing lessons in sequential  steps over the week, using a combination of various worksheets, workbooks and classroom texts. I devised this resource specially for my TpT store to draw all these lessons together in one place. It is a way that you can teach reading/writing over the week, sequentially - students will build skills each day over the week.
Start by printing out the 6 pages. 6 pages will make 2 booklets.
Stack them and staple down the left side.
Cut down the middle to make 2 booklets.
One DAY 1 students READ the sentence with you. Here you will model how to read, finger pointing to each word. Talk about how the picture matches the text. Give students lots of practise having a turn to read aloud for the group.
Students cut the words out from their strip of paper and sort them into order. You can use this point to teach individual word recognition.

Once sorted on the table first, students glue them in. Ask your class to read the sentence with you, pointing to the words as they go, a few times during the lesson.
On DAY 2 students have a new sentence. You may or may not model this with the teacher cards as on DAY 1. Talk about the last word changing. Revise all the reading and writing strategies and features you discussed the day before. Students again, put the words into correct order.
Students then TRACE the sentence. Start from the dot on each letter and talk about letter formation.
On DAY 3 students have to order a set of words and there is no model to help them on the page. You may or may not start the lesson with the teacher-card demonstration and group collaboration. It will depend on how your students are coping with the words. Students also WRITE the sentence on their own, by copying the sentence they have made above.
DAY 4 and DAY 5 call for students to write independently. On DAY 4 they have a sentence starter and could perhaps use the ideas of the previous days, or write something entirely different. On DAY 5 students have blank lines to create their own sentence.
I have grouped lots of our 'Kinderagten Writing Books" into a BIG BUNDLE that can be purchased at our TpT store. The preview file has a whole complete week file that you can sample. I will add all our future titles to this bundles, so if you purchase it now, you get future titles for free, by re-downloading your initial purchase.
And what would a post of mine be without a free surprise?! Here is a 'busy colouring page' I created for my daughter. When I am at the computer, she asks me to print her a colouring page. Usually a dinosaur, race car, horse, unicorn or a dolphin!
This one will keep her busy for a while. As each little part is coloured a different shade, it will asso turn out quite effective. I will post an 'after photo' later on my instagram, stay tuned!
You can download one for free HERE from google drive! 

In more great news, I am pleased to announce I will be taking part in one HUGE sale on TpT soon. Click the image below to find more great stores going on sale also!
Get your carts stocked ready to checkout at sale time!
Thanks for stopping by - be sure to check in again tomorrow - I have a HUGE surprise for you!


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