Joyful Learning Through Math, Art & Play!

01 December 2011

Christmas Visual Discrimination Game - Free

santas sack memory game

I have joined with Rachel Lynette in a special gift just for you dear teacher! The Holiday Gift Book contains tips and freebies from 50 TpT teacher-authors!

It is packed full of ideas and messages that will help you teach during the holiday season.

I've made a visual memory game for you called Santa's Toys. It will help your students develop pre-reading skills! 

Place the sack game board in front of your students and select 6 toys. Talk about the toys and help your students discuss their experience or existing knowledge about the toys (a great early comprehension activity of making connections with pictures or words). 

To play, ask students to be the elves and close their eyes! Santa removes a picture and the elves must open them and try to recall the picture that is missing.

santas memory game

To extend this game, leave all 6 pictures in the sack but mix them up and have the elves remember the correct order!

find the missing toy game

Find this free game in our TpT store ready to print and play!

2021 Update

The Holiday eBook is no longer available, but our game is still available! Enjoy!

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